Will: Force Majeure

Happy Monday gentlemen,

What a trip “Meru” was last night… the power of non-fiction!

For our fourth installment, I’m demanding we all watch a foreign film, yes a foreign film, because when was the last time you watched a foreign film you low-lives?


“Force Majeure”
a Swedish dark comedy/drama on NETFLIX

Not only is this supposed to be a great film, it’s the perfect follow-up to Meru! Both films use the mountains as their backdrop, but they tell very different stories. I’m copying the IMDB summary because, well, it’s perfect.

“A family on a ski holiday in the French Alps find themselves staring down an avalanche during lunch one day; in the aftermath, their dynamic has been shaken to its core, with a question mark hanging over their patriarch in particular.”

You can watch the trailer, ONLY if you want, sometimes it’s nice to go in cold


P.S. Tim, Ben and I may even have the privilege of watching it together over Thanksgiving in VA. Caleb, we wish you could be there man!

Benjamin Gould