Caleb: MERU

Hello, boys.

For this edition, I’m sacking up and popping Mac Monday’s feature-length film cherry. (That’s a mixed metaphor if I ever heard one.)

As you guys know, I’m writing this story about a mountain climber, so I’ve been studying the sport a little. This month saw the release of Meru, a visually stunning documentary about a trio of climbers’ attempt to first-ascent Meru, a seemingly indomitable peak in the Himalayas. What results is a film that’s as much about climbing as it is about fear, endurance, camaraderie and nature’s humbling grandeur and indifference. One could say it takes for its thesis climbing’s most resilient adage: When George Mallory was asked in 1924 why he was so hell-bent on summiting Everest (he’d tried and failed in ’21 and ’22) he said, “Because it’s there.”

Check out the movie On-Demand or here on Amazon Prime:*Version*=1&*entries*=0


Benjamin Gould