Tim: Guy Winch's Ted Talk on Emotional First Aid

Okay… My turn this week.

Got an interesting Ted talk to listen to. It’s from a psychologist named Guy Winch. Was listening to KCRW a couple weeks ago and a segment of his talk came on the radio and it was intriguing so I listened to the whole talk of Ted when I got home. It’s called:

“Why we all need to practice emotional first aid.”

He basically talks about how we all know how to heal or fix ourselves physically: if you fall and cut yourself, you put on a band aid to prevent infection. But we do very little to our mental health when we get hurt emotionally due to failure, loneliness, or depression. I know I’m talking to some studly, intelligent, healthy, and confident men right now… But we are in our twenties, two of you in your early twenties, and the four of us are in positions in our lives where we are ambitious and pursuing our dreams and there is a lot of opportunities for us to succeed, but there’s inevitably going to be dead ends, valleys, bumps in the road etc. and after listening to this talk, I think it just helps to be aware of the times that are tough, because I think acknowledging the moments of failure, rejection, and or loneliness will help in the long run to our success. Give it a listen, very curious to hear you guys expand on this.

Have a great week guys.

Guy Winch’s TED TALK : ”Why we all need to practice emotional first aid.”

Benjamin Gould