The Startup Forgiveness Ad


IDEA: Making fun of the wave of forgiveness ads that are coming out right now like Uber, Facebook, Wells Fargo, etc. Generic shots of people working/San Francisco mixed in with CORPORATE walking around talking to the camera. If SF shots are too hard to rip off the internet or film ourselves, then we can just make it all corny shots of people working in the office.

[SETTING: Shot of CORPORATE ~ nips to top of head ~ looking into the camera.]
CORPORATE: My name is Corporate Bro. And I’m here to reintroduce you to our company.
[CUT TO: AERIAL SHOT of GG Bridge with CORPORATE narrating.]
CORPORATE (Voiceover): I know we’ve made mistakes in the past…
[CUT TO: SHOT of CORPORATE listening to someone in the office.]
CORPORATE (Voiceover): …but we’ve learned from those and become even stronger.
[CUT TO: Generic Shot of Downtown SF]
CORPORATE (Voiceover): In fact, we fired 150 employees and have replaced them with better, newer employees in just 90 days…
[CUT TO: Shot of CORPORATE as he walks through the office. Talking into the camera.]
CORPORATE: We’ve sent out new privacy policy agreements that allows us to do all of the same shit you didn’t like us doing before…
[CUT TO: Shot of white background with black letters that read:
Established: 2016
Re-established: 2018
[Mimicking Wells Fargo.]
CORPORATE (Voiceover): Because we’re not just here to IPO as fast as possible without making a sustainable business, we’re here to make the world better, one annual contract at a time.

***After this initial script, we decided to parody the Wells Fargo ad specifically, while keeping the same tone. Below is the final script before shooting…

We know the value of value

We know the value of Trust

   [Cowboy on Horse]

  [Horse carriage close up]

We deliver on it.

We were built on it

Back when the first businesses were formed,

Back when the country went west for gold

Salesfolks, were the ones who drove revenue

We were the ones who carried it back east

By Call

[Person on the phone]

By steam

By Mail

[Mailman putting mail in a box]

By horse

By Electronic Mails

[Someone pressing send on an email]

By iron horse

Over the years, we still deliver value.

Over the years, we built on that trust

We always found a way.

[Hitting the gong and everyone cheering like the team hit their #]

We always found the way.

Until…. We lost it.

Unit... we lost it.

But that isn’t where the story ends...

But that isn’t where the story ends….

It’s where it starts again

Its where it starts again

With a recommitment to ourselves

With a complete recommitment to you

To making more calls.

Fixing what went wrong,

And spamming your inbox,

making things right,  

So we can hit our product sales goals every quarter

And ending product sales goals for branch bankers

Then we can  pay for our addictions.

So we can focus on your satisfaction.

We’re texting your cell phone on weekends

We’re holding ourselves accountable to find

And calling from blocked numbers

And fix issues proactively

Because winning your business is our biggest priority

Because earning back your trust is our biggest priority.

It’s a new day for Sales People

Its a new day at Wells fargo,

But it’s a lot like our first day.

But it’s a lot like our first day.

Sales People

Wells fargo

Established at the beginning of time

Established 1852

Still the fuckin’ same in 2018

Re-established 2018


Benjamin Gould