Shit New Reps Say

This sketch is what we like to call a “Highlight Reel.” There is a premise and we give Ross (Corporate Bro) the space to crush punchline after punchline. There is always a beginning, middle, and end, but sometimes this all comes in post.

To engage our fans, who are mostly in sales, we post a question on Corporate Bro’s IG page such as “What do New Hires say in their first week?” Then, after filtering through comments, we can see what are the most common responses and emotions to touch upon and write down the best ones. It also builds a sense of community amongst our followers and gets them excited to see the final product.

What ended up happening here is we had a little list we put together and after selecting a few favorites, began improvising more and more as we filmed different takes. Yelling at Ross to incorporate a new line or letting him go on a tangent of his own. These might be the funnest scripts to shoot because it’s flexible and unstructured and what’s more fun than coming up with a bunch of punchlines?

List of submissions + CB Brainstorm
What our PTO like?

Dude, these leads are gold

I just cant wait to hit the phones

They said they couldnt talk but would check it out later

How do I order business cards

Dude my territory is shit

I was one of the top reps at my old job

I just had such a good call, they’re definitely in

I know base is only 40k but my hiring manager said with my potential I’ll be fulling six-figs easy.

I really prefer to do my own prospecting

I’d love to pick ur brain

(whisper) Should I leave a voicemail or

Yo if you have any sick templates

I was blowing it out at my last company

This is nothing I had to make 80 dials

How do  you work a mac

Its a business ecosystem

I dont know why they said no, that call went literally perfect

Trust me, this aint my first rodeo

Im just gonna leverage my past relationships

Quota’s not even that bad

What’s Corporate Bro?

Yo my SDR is a smoke

Yo real quick when you get a chance

Aye man question for ya

Can I sit on one of your calls

I havent closed anything yet, but Im still ramping

Still getting up to speed

I have a good feeling about this one

Nah man, big deals only

I turned down like 4 companies for this gig

Yo this how i used to do it

Dude this product is a no brainer

Better watch ur back bro. IM COMING

These trainings are such a waste of my time

Ring, ring...Ring, ring

Oh we are for sure gonna IPO

I know I haven’t closed anything yet, but I feel like this job’s gonna pretty easy




Benjamin Gould