Will: The White Album

Hey Mac Mondudes,

I regret to say that I’m falling behind on my reading/watching. I just started training at Le Pain Quotidien as a Barista and have been super busy.

Tim reminded me that we could choose an album to listen to, review and dissect. I’m going to make it easy to start, and assign The White Album because The Beatles are on Spotify!

white album.jpg

Definitely considered one of the best albums ever recorded, I’d like us to kick back, crack open a cold one, light up a joint if you have to, and listen to The White Album all the way through. In doing so, think about your favorite moments, think about the flow of the album, the influences, the effects they used that were particularly interesting. Read up on some of the history of the album if you’re interested. But most importantly, ENJOY, and lose yourself to the greatest songwriters who ever lived.

lots of love,

– Will

Benjamin Gould