Welcome to the Family - The Bacon Lot

When there are 5 or more kids in an Irish-catholic family on the outskirts of Boston, Mass in the 1960s & ‘70s, there are going to be a few shenanigans. Some become family lore and some of the details are lost. Some are hidden from the younger generations for fear of imitation. We sit down with all of the parties involved and put the pieces back together for the Gould Family.

The Characters

Nana a.k.a. Sally - The matriarch of the family is now in her mid-80s, but still going to work everyday with her son and nephew. She is all things good and holy and kind and some say, has a direct line to a few of the patron saints. Yet, in this episode, she gets a little mischievous herself…

Maria a.k.a. Ria - Maria is the oldest of 5 children and the first to give her mother fits before she was given fits trying to babysit her two younger brothers, David & Peter. In this episode, she’s the observant older sister and partner-in-punishment with her mother, Sally.

David - David is about one year younger than Maria and about one year older than Peter. Rambunctious, rebellious, and hilarious, David writes about Golf these days instead of pursuing a career as a standup comedian.

Peter - Peter was the middle of 5 children, but the youngest of the first, more badly-behaved wave. Today, he runs the family business with his mom and nephew or cousin or something (it’s an Irish-Catholic thing) and lives down the street from where this story took place. He never seems to lose his cool under pressure.

FJ - The baby.

Benjamin Gould