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Run away…

Run away…

The Ghost Story

There is one surefire strategy to survive a haunted house. Get The Fuck Out of There. Watching scary movies as a child, I grew weary of yelling at fictional characters to leave, run, and get out. I never understood the stubborn, cynical Father who preferred white-knuckling through stressful renovations in the attic and basement and avoiding the subject of ghosts at the dinner table like a Republican avoiding gun-control after a mass shooting.

And then the bills were in my name…

…and whether it was due to the tetrahydrocannabinol, old pipes or something else, I found myself living in a creepy-ass apartment. It was at that point that I finally understood why those scary-movie-Dads stayed put despite the floating girl on the staircase or loud banging emanating from the floorboards below…because moving is a freaking pain in the ass and if I die by ghost, then at least my job didn’t kill me.


My Life in a Minute

I recently had to put together a quick audio piece describing who I was and what I wanted to do in life. Here it is…


The house that Sally and Forrest built

The house that Sally and Forrest built

Welcome to The Family: Gould

Welcome to the Family is a podcast that reveals the untold tales your parents never let you hear.  Each story is 10 - 20 minutes long and family members from multiple generations tell the same story from their own recollection of events as we get to the truth - no one ever really grows up.

The first series of Welcome to The Family follows The Goulds: an Irish-Catholic family of 5 who grew up on the outskirts of Boston. Sally & Forrest started their own business and their 5 kids had the freedom to get a little mischievous every once in a while. In this episode, Sally, Ria, Dave & Pete tell their version of The Bacon Lot tale involving their baby brother FJ.